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Professional Development Webcasts

Stay up-to-date with the AdLit’s professional development webcast series — for staff workshops, professional learning communities, or to watch on your own.

Listen, watch, and learn from top experts in the field of reading. Use the webcasts as the centerpiece of staff development workshops or watch them for your own professional development whenever you have time.

Each webcast features a 60-minute video program that you can view online. The webcasts also include recommended readings and suggested discussion questions.

Making Room for Adolescent Literacy

Featuring Dr. Don Deshler, Dr. Mel Riddile, and Christina Gutierrez in a discussion on school-level literacy reform. Our expert panel discusses what research says about good practice and how building-level leaders and classroom teachers can support struggling readers and writers.

English Language Learners

Featuring Kathleen Leos, Deborah Santiago, and Susan Lafond in a discussion on English Language Learners (ELLs). Our expert panel discusses demographic trends, instructional strategies, school-family partnerships, and college readiness.

Ready for College

This four-part webcast examines the components of college readiness — both academic and non-academic skills — and explores ways that high schools, parents, colleges, and students themselves can work together to prepare students for post-secondary education. Featuring experts Nevin Brown, Barbara Taveras, and Jennifer Glaser.

Webcasts from Colorín Colorado

Colorin Colorado logo

Our bilingual sister project, Colorín Colorado offers free webcasts featuring experts in the English language learner (ELL) field. These webcasts were created with the generous support of the American Federation of Teachers and are available online to view at your convenience.

Each webcast features a 45-minute video program, which includes discussion with educators and researchers from the field, recommended readings, and suggested discussion questions. Some webcasts also have an accompanying Power Point presentation.

Academic Language and English Language Learners

Featuring Dr. Robin Scarcella, providing an overview to academic language instruction for English language learners, as well as teaching strategies, activity ideas, and recommended resources.

Assessment of English Language Learners

Featuring Dr. Lorraine Valdez Pierce, discussing effective classroom strategies for assessing English language learners.

Comprehension: Helping ELLs Grasp the Full Picture

This webcast discusses effective reading comprehension strategies for teaching English language learner students.

English Language Learner Instruction in Middle and High School

Featuring Dr. Deborah Short discussing effective instructional strategies for teaching English language learner students in middle and high school.

English Language Learners in Middle and High School: An Introduction

Featuring Kathleen Leos, Deborah Santiago, and Susan Lafond discussing demographic trends, instructional strategies, school-family partnerships, and college readiness.

English Language Learners with Learning Disabilities

Featuring Dr. Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan discussing effective assessment and instruction strategies for English language learners with learning disabilities.

Reading to Learn: ELLs in Grades 4-6

Featuring Dr. Nonie Lesaux, addressing the challenges facing English language learners — and their teachers — in grades 4-6.